
2月 21, 2023の投稿を表示しています


夏の天候の見通し(2023年02月21日発表、気象庁) 全国 (6月~8月) ・暖かい空気に覆われやすいため、気温は北・東・西日本で平年並か高いでしょう ・全国的に、梅雨の時期(北・東・西日本では6月から7月、沖縄・奄美では5月から6月)と夏の降水量は、ほぼ平年並の見込みです Outlook for Summer Weather  (Announced on February 21, 2023, Japan Meteorological Agency) Nationwide (June to August) Due to the tendency of being covered by warm air, temperatures are expected to be near or above average in northern, eastern, and western Japan. Across the country, the timing of the rainy season (June to July in northern, eastern, and western Japan, May to June in Okinawa and Amami) and the summer precipitation are expected to be close to average.