
NWS(National Wether Serviceアメリカ国立気象局)のウェブサイトから、熱帯と亜熱帯域における気象システムの定義を抜粋します(一部補足あり)

Tropical Wave(トロピカルウェーブ、熱帯波、偏東風波動)
熱帯地方を東から西に横切って移動する逆トラフ (低気圧性の長細い領域) あるいは低気圧性曲率の最大域のこと。これらは熱帯低気圧の形成につながる可能性があり、偏東風波動としても知られる(下部に補足説明あり)

Tropical Disturbance(熱帯擾乱)
熱帯または亜熱帯を起源とする熱帯性の気象システムで、組織化された対流域 (通常、直径100~300マイル) を伴う。前線はなく移動性があり24時間以上その状態を維持する。風の場で検出される摂動(せつどう)が関連している場合もあれば、関連していない場合もある 

Tropical Cyclone(熱帯低気圧)
前線を持たずウォームコアを持つ総観規模の低気圧のこと。熱帯または亜熱帯の海域で発生する。明瞭な中心があり、その周辺に組織化された深い対流と閉じた地表風循環を伴う。いったん形成されると、水温が高い海面から抽出した熱エネルギーを上部対流圏の低温域に輸出することで組織が維持される。こうした点は大気中の水平方向の温度差 (傾圧効果) からエネルギーを得る温帯低気圧と異なる

Potential Tropical Cyclone (PTC)(潜在的な熱帯低気圧) 
NWSが発信するAdvisory(勧告)で使用される用語で、まだ熱帯低気圧ではないが48 時間以内に、熱帯低気圧またはハリケーン級の影響を陸域にもたらす恐れがある擾乱のこと。
(注)NWSはNational Wether Service、アメリカ国立気象局のこと。アメリカ海洋大気庁の6機関のうちのひとつ

Invest(investigative area)(調査地域)
熱帯低気圧予報センター (NHC、CPHC、またはJTWC) は注目すべき気象システムが発生すると、そのエリアのデータを収集したりモデルガイダンスを作成したりする。その際の調査地域を示す用語。調査地域(Invest)として指定されても、そこで発生した気象システムが熱帯低気圧に発展する可能性が高いとは限らない

Extratropical Cyclone(温帯低気圧)

Post-Tropical Cyclone(熱帯低気圧の特徴が失われた低気圧)
(注) Post-Tropical Cycloneは温帯低気圧になるものと熱帯低気圧の残骸(レムナント)になるものの2クラスに分けられる

Remnant Low(熱帯低気圧の残骸:低気圧性循環を持たず気圧の谷などに退化したもの)

Subtropical Cyclone(亜熱帯低気圧)
熱帯低気圧と温帯低気圧の両方の特徴を持つ低気圧(前線は伴わない)。亜熱帯低気圧は、熱帯または亜熱帯の海域で発生し、循環する明瞭な中心を持つ。熱帯低気圧と比較して、最大風速は中心から比較的離れた場所 (60海里以上の所) にあり、風のエリア(場)と対流分布は非対称的

Tropical Depression(熱帯低気圧)
最大風速 (1分間平均) が38mph(33ノット)以下の熱帯低気圧のこと

Tropical Storm(熱帯低気圧)
39~73mph(34~63ノット) の範囲の最大風速を持つ熱帯低気圧


Major Hurricane(大型ハリケーン)

(注)熱帯低気圧とハリケーンの発生数は 8 月に大幅に増加、9 月中旬にピークに達し、その後、11 月初旬までに減少し最小値となる

(補足説明)Tropical Wave(熱帯波、偏東風波動)


Tropical Wave
An inverted trough (an elongated area of relatively low pressure) or cyclonic curvature maximum moving east to west across the tropics. These can lead to the formation of a tropical cyclone. Also known as an easterly wave.

Tropical Disturbance
A tropical weather system with organized convection (generally 100-300 miles in diameter) originating in the tropics or subtropics, having a non-frontal migratory character and maintaining its identity for 24 hours or longer. It may or may not be associated with a detectable perturbation of the wind field.

Tropical Cyclone
A warm-core non-frontal synoptic-scale cyclone, originating over tropical or subtropical waters, with organized deep convection and a closed surface wind circulation about a well-defined center. Once formed, a tropical cyclone is maintained by the extraction of heat energy from the ocean at high temperature and heat export at the low temperatures of the upper troposphere. In this they differ from extratropical cyclones, which derive their energy from horizontal temperature contrasts in the atmosphere (baroclinic effects).

Potential Tropical Cyclone (PTC)
A term used in NWS advisory products to describe a disturbance that is not yet a tropical cyclone, BUT which poses the threat of bringing tropical storm or hurricane conditions to land areas within 48 hours.

A weather system for which a tropical cyclone forecast center (NHC, CPHC, or JTWC) is interested in collecting specialized data sets and/or running model guidance. The designation of a system as an invest does not correspond to any particular likelihood of development of the system into a tropical cyclone.

Extratropical Cyclone
A cyclone (of any intensity) for which the primary energy source is baroclinic (i.e., results from the temperature contrast between warm & cold air masses).

Post-Tropical Cyclone
A cyclone that no longer possesses sufficient tropical characteristics to be considered a tropical cyclone. Post-tropical cyclones can continue to carry heavy rains and high winds. Note: former tropical cyclones that become extratropical and remnant lows are 2 specific classes of post-tropical cyclones.

Remnant Low
A post-tropical cyclone that no longer possesses the convective organization required of a tropical cyclone and has maximum sustained winds of less than 34 knots.

Subtropical Cyclone
A non-frontal low pressure system that has characteristics of both tropical and extratropical cyclones. Subtropical cyclones originate over tropical or subtropical waters and have a closed circulation about a well-defined center. In comparison to tropical cyclones, the maximum winds occur relatively far from the center (greater than 60 nautical miles) and have a less symmetric wind field and distribution of convection.

Tropical Depression
A tropical cyclone that has maximum sustained surface winds (one-minute average) of 38 mph (33 knots) or less.

Tropical Storm
A tropical cyclone that has maximum sustained surface winds ranging from 39-73 mph (34 to 63 knots).

A hurricane is a tropical cyclone that has maximum sustained surface winds of 74 mph or greater (64 knots or greater).

Major Hurricane
A hurricane that is classified as Category 3 or higher.

NOTE: The number of Tropical Storms and Hurricanes increases substantially in August, peaks in mid-September and decreases towards a minimum by early November.


No Prospect of Hurricane Dora Direct Hit on Hawaii

New Tropical Depression Forms, Expected to Become Typhoon No. 6

KHANUN: Direct Hit on Amami, Headed for Kyushu